The 2006 Memphis Black Writers Conference & Southern Film Festival honored Gregory Keith Morris of Charlotte, NC with
the prestigious '2006 Memphis BWC Best Book to Film Award.'
Mr. Morris's book, 'HNIC', is an excellent weaved mystery that takes place in the New South with a backdrop of big business
where the Old Southern Comfort and the New Breed South meet conflicting roles.
"Chuck Harris is Charlotte's own black "Mr. Wonderful" created by the city's elite to enhance its New South image. He is given
money, title, and special privileges. He wants it all and will sacrifice friend, family, and foe or anything that gets in
his way. Outrage abounds from the boardroom to the bedroom in Charlotte and Chuck Harris would not have it any other way."
"Enter Michael Johnson, a young news reporter, fresh from Washington, D.C. and working for Charlotte's only black-owned newspaper.
Little did he know that he would find the story of his career, and maybe a Pulitzer, when he investigates the sordid details
of the life of Mr. Chuck Harris."
HNIC will leave you breathless at every turn and the ending is very unpredictable. It is a race to the finish and you will
not be disappointed.
Gregory Morris also won the 2003 Black Book Achievement Award by Khalifah's Bookstore & Association in Harlem, NY Contact
the author @ 3TG Press POB 25521 Charlotte, NC 28229-5521 704-568-5828 www.utinet/my/tgpress3